Our salon is professional and has plans on taking over the lash world (we are just a little ambitious).
We also are also a fierce advocate for the rights of beauty workers, so you’ll find that our policies and practices are entirely different than what you’re probably used to.
1) We firmly believe lash stylists should spend their time at work doing what they love, so your job duties will include applying eyelash extensions. That’s it. No toilet scrubbing, reception duties, “marketing” yourself, counting inventory, or sitting around waiting for clients without pay. If a client “no shows”, we’ll expect you to help out around the salon, but that maybe happens once a week (you still get paid even if they "no show"). From the day you start with us, your books will be full and you’ll be doing your craft.
2) We provide all tools and equipment. We will provide you your own personal $1500 set of loupes and the best set of tweezers you will ever use.
3) We won’t throw you to the wolves. All employees are trained in our technical and service protocols, so you’ll never feel lost or unprepared.
4) We follow the law and contribute to our employees’ taxes like all good employers should. Our employees are just that—employees. (That means NO 1099’s! You won't be stuck with a large tax bill at the end of the year)
5) We support your continued professional development by holding monthly technical workshops—and yes, you’ll be paid to participate.